Sunday, February 15, 2009

A Day @ St. Mary's

1. When working with the children at St. Mary’s school I observed that the kids varied in social and motor behavior skills. I worked with the older kids, 5th and 6th graders. I believed they stayed on task fairly well. They really enjoyed mob tag and knock out. Socially these kids were developed, they were not clingy. For the most part they agreed on the same games. What I found that really worked was with this age group giving them options; we had the gym space to give them the choice of knock or mob tag. I strongly believe that this grade level was a factor is motor development, but as far as gender and ability goes the girls and boys did the same actions.
2. The fine motor skills that I observed with these children include running, boundaries, aiming, shooting, and catching. While playing mob tag both the girls and the boys had a good idea of strategies for how to catch people; and they were very good about staying in bounds and using the boundaries as a way corner people in. When we got to knock out the kids were very good at making baskets I was very surprised.

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